"Het is groot, het is dik, het is zwaar en het is een feest om doorheen te bladeren en te zien hoe handwerkslieden over de hele wereld hun beroep deden."
Edie Peters, 55, uitgever, Amsterdam
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Hier gaat Workers over
This book is a global epic that transcends mere image-making to become an affirmation of the enduring spirit of working women and men. Sebastiao Salgado unearths layers of visual information to reveal the ceaseless human activity at the core of modern civilization. With extended captions by the photographer providing a historical and factual framework for the images, the book is divided into six essential chapters: Agriculture, Food, Mining, Industry, Oil and Construction. Though an elegy for the passing of traditional methods of labour and production, Workers ultimately delivers a dynamic message of endurance and hope through an aestheticism that is instantly arresting, irrespective of time and place.Plaats deze video op je eigen site
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