Door Vera | February 3, 2018
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"Even when you're thinking 'What the hell does he think he is doing' you can read it, because he can really write."
Nell Zink, 54, schrijfster, Bad Belzig (DE)
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Samenvatting van Book of Numbers
When the enigmatic billionaire founder and CEO of Teration, the world's most powerful tech company, is diagnosed with terminal pancreatic cancer, he hires failed novelist, Josh Cohen, to ghostwrite his memoirs.This tech mogul, known only as "principle", takes Josh deep into his own mind, and outlines the history of Tetration and outlines the history of Tetration, which started by revolutionizing the search engine and later ventured into smartphones, computer manufacturing, and the surveillance of American citizens. Accompanying Josh on a mind-bending world tour of local Tetration offices for Palo Alto to Dubai, principal soon initiates Josh into the secret pretext of the autobiography project, and the life-or-death stakes that surround its publication.
Vergelijkbare video’s
Alle video’s van en over: Book of Numbers, Joshua Cohen, Nell Zink, Random House, writers in residence
Originele titel: Book of Numbers
Uitgever(s): Random House
ISBN(‘s): 9780099597384, 9780812996913, 9781473511019, 9780812986655, 9781622316939
Voor het eerst gepubliceerd in: 2015
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