Rob van Essen over Music for torching – A.M. Homes

"Het gaat over een echtpaar dat op een gegeven moment uit verveling hun eigen huis in brand steekt en dan maar ziet wat er gebeurt."
Rob van Essen, 51, schrijver, Amsterdam

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Hier gaat Music for torching over

Paul and Elaine have two boys and a beautiful home, yet they find themselves thoroughly, inexplicably stuck. Obsessed with 'making things good again', they spin the quiet terrors of family life into a fantastical frenzy that careens well and truly out of control. As A. M. Homes's incendiary novel unfolds, the Kodacolor hues of the American good life become nearly hallucinogenic: from a strange and hilarious encounter on the floor of the pantry with a Stepford Wife neighbour, to a house-cleaning team in space suits, to a hostage situation at the school, Homes lays bare the foundations of marriage and family life and creates characters outrageously flawed, deeply human and entirely believable.

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