Nick Louth over The wrench – Primo Levi

“It doesn’t sound a very promising subject, but Levi wrote beautifully about it.” Nick Louth, schrijver, journalist, Lincolnshire (UK).

Noah Charney over Het Rusland huis – John le Carré

“For me, this is perfectly constructed. If you removed a page, a chapter, even a sentence or a piece of punctuation, it would remove the aura of perfection.” Noah Charney, 36, schrijver, journalist, Slovenië.

Owen Sheers over Ask the moon – Dannie Abse

“I think that it’s incredibly rare that you get seventy years of lyrical enquiry into nearly every stage of our lives.” Owen Sheers, 41, schrijver, dichter, Talgarth (Wales).

Noah Charney over zijn boek Kunstvervalsing

“Imagine you’re at a cocktail party and your host says that intruiging looking gentleman in the corner is an art forger.” Noah Charney, 36, schrijver, journalist, Slovenië.

Owen Sheers over zijn boek Ik zag een man

“I think that in the process of writing a novel, you tend to fall in and out of love with your work a lot.” Owen Sheers, 41, schrijver, dichter, Talgarth (Wales).

Nir Baram over zijn boek De wereldschaduw

“The encouter between the individual and the forces in the world was very interesting to me.” Nir Baram, 38, schrijver, Tel Aviv.

Alexandra Heminsley over Het huis aan de gouden bocht – Jessie Burton

“The book that I love more than any other in the last year, maybe in the last five or ten years, is The Miniaturist by Jessie Burton.” Alexandra Heminsley, 38, schrijver, Hove, UK.

John Boyne over Ancient light – John Banville

John Boyne over Ancient light - John Banville

“The great thing about A John Banville novel is that every sentence in it is always filled with original ideas, interesting images and not a word in there will ever be out of place.” John Boyne, 44, schrijver, Dublin.

John Boyne over zijn boek De grote stilte

“He has to look at his life, and the manner in which he lived his life, and see whether he’s been responsible – just like his colleagues were – for some terrible acts.” John Boyne, 44, schrijver, Dublin.

Alexandra Heminsley over haar boek Running like a girl

“You’ve got a running book here about what you will see, about how much more you get out of life by getting up and going out.” Alexandra Heminsley, 38, schrijver, Hove, UK.

Nir Baram over The savage detectives – Roberto Bolaño

“Bolaño has the crazy idea that the book should be an adventure.” Nir Baram, 38, schrijver, Tel Aviv.

Ann-Marie MacDonald over haar boek In haar lichaam besloten

“Answering the question why I love this book is, when it’s with reference to a book I’ve written, is extremely hard.” Ann-Marie MacDonald, 56, schrijfster, Toronto.