David over Nothing to Envy – Ordinary Lives in North Korea – Barbara Demick

“Ik heb altijd al een fascinatie gehad met Noord-Korea. Nu ik dit boek heb gelezen, heb ik er toch wel een andere kijk op gekregen… Ik heb het gedownload op mijn Amazon Kindle reader, zodat ik het overal kan lezen.”
David, 41, cameraman, Amsterdam

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Hier gaat Ordinary Lives in North Korea over

North Korea is Orwell's 1984 made reality: it is the only country in the world not connected to the internet; Gone with the Wind is a dangerous, banned book; during political rallies, spies study your expression to check your sincerity. After the death of the country's great leader Kim Il Sung in 1994, famine descended: people stumbled over dead bodies in the street and ate tree bark to survive.

Nothing to Envy weaves together the stories of adversity and resilience of six residents of Chongin, North Korea's third largest city. From extensive interviews and with tenacious investigative work, Barbara Demick has recreated the concerns, culture and lifestyles of North Korean citizens in a gripping narrative, and vividly reconstructed the inner workings of this extraordinary and secretive country.

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